Quick-cooking Kimchi Noodle

Quick-cooking Kimchi Noodle Bowl Nong Shim 100 г

Indulge your taste buds with an explosion of kimchi flavor in Nongshim's Bowl Noodle Kimchi! This product hails from South Korea and brings you authentic Korean cuisine with a spicy level 3.

This quick-cooking bowl is a convenient and fast way to savor the traditional taste of kimchi. All you need is 3 minutes to transform this package into a satisfying meal. The noodles are carefully prepared to ensure maximum flavor in every bite, ensuring you feel satiated with every slurp!

What makes Bowl Noodle Kimchi even better is that it contains natural ingredients and plant extracts for extra nutritional benefits. You'll be impressed by the spicy aroma that awakens your senses with every breath, preparing you to enjoy the flavors of the Land of the Morning Calm.

Crafted with the interests of small producers in mind, each selected ingredient has been grown using traditional methods, ensuring a truly natural taste and texture for your evening delicacies! So, don't wait any longer to savor this exquisite bowl - add a touch of sparkle today and bring some zest to your evening.

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