
Ginger was known even in Kyiv Rus, but its supply decreased over time, and people started to forget about it.
Ginger contains vitamins, minerals, and essential oils. One of its most well-known properties is its ability to help with food poisoning, nausea, and vomiting. Thanks to its high magnesium content, it facilitates toxin elimination from the body and improves the state of the nervous system. Pectins and fiber stimulate peristalsis and active secretion of digestive juices, reducing gas formation and speeding up metabolism.

Ginger is beneficial in preventing blood clotting, as it dilutes the blood and improves circulation in the vessels, reducing the risk of thrombus formation. Therefore, this plant is particularly useful for people with increased blood viscosity. Due to enhanced blood flow in the pelvic organs, ginger is considered an aphrodisiac and can help with sexual dysfunctions.

In cases of colds, ginger reduces nasal congestion and boosts immunity due to its high content of vitamin C and B vitamins. The alkaloid gingerol present in the root has antibacterial properties, increases heat production in the body, and provides warmth when feeling chilly.

Ginger contains a considerable amount of potassium, which is beneficial for various health conditions. After intense physical activities, dehydration, muscle spasms, and oxygen deprivation can occur – potassium helps restore fluid levels and ensures oxygen supply to the brain.
The highest amount of beneficial substances is found in fresh ginger, while slightly less is present in the dried spice form. Freezing and marinating can degrade some of the vitamins, although certain active compounds are retained.

Density: Dense

Taste notes: Ginger

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